Saturday, December 4, 2010

Objectives of the UN to resume negotiations on Climate Change Amid Rift between rich and poor countries

United Nations sent today try to revive progress in the climate negotiations stalled, the issuance of a draft of the possible holding of the meeting to bridge the gap between rich and poor

Margaret Mukahanana-Sangarwe, a Zimbabwean that keeps track of negotiations that could lead U.S. and developing nations in a new Treaty, shall deliver the document in Cancun, Mexico, in consultation with the delegates in the 193-nation talks.

China, India, Brazil and Venezuela say the discussions are at risk because Japan, Russia and Canada have refused to sign up for a second round of cuts in emissions of greenhouse gases once the current written in the Kyoto Protocol expires in 2012. That discord may spread to other areas of the talks.

"The result is at stake," said Todd Stern, the head of the U.S. delegation yesterday on his arrival in Cancun for the talks. "We do not know which way to go yet. We may, if countries do not seek to become obstacles to stop or slow the progression."

In addition, two panels set up to clear the most controversial issues in the negotiations of the proposals made by a result of Cancun. One suggested an emission target for the "comparable" to those for other developed countries under the Kyoto Protocol U.S.. The other gave him options for developing countries to limit pollution.

Venezuela and Bolivia

Venezuela and Bolivia, threatening to derail the talks, led a group of Latin American nations said that any agreement should include new commitments from rich countries to reduce emissions of gases blamed for damaging the Earth's atmosphere.

Japan's refusal to accept a second round of reductions from 2012 means that delegates in Cancun are "wasting time," said Claudia Salerno Venezuelan sent reporters yesterday. She said her country and others can not accept a set of decisions without agreement on a second phase of Kyoto.

"This is a position that is 180 degrees opposite of where Japan and several other developed countries," said Christiana Figueres, the United Nations diplomat who leads the talks. "We have to find a compromise that will make them all equally uncomfortable or comfortable alike."

Since last year's talks in Copenhagen a year ago, the envoys were reined in their ambitions, rather than shooting for progress in the protection of forests, the verification of emission reductions and channeling $ 100 billion a year in aid of the climate in developing countries.

"I'm not worried at all," said Eileen Claussen, former U.S. negotiator climate under President Bill Clinton, who is now president of the Pew Center on Global Climate Change in Arlington, Virginia. "The whole thing was postponed. I do not think it's going to derail anything."

Copenhagen Rift

In Copenhagen, USA President Barack Obama and the Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao, were among some 30 leaders who drafted an informal agreement that set targets for reducing emissions and pledged to work to sustain the gains of temperature from the 18 th century to 2 degrees Celsius ( 3.6 Fahrenheit). Bolivia and Venezuela are among six nations to reject the offer because they were not consulted.

"There are two scenarios for the next week," said Martin Kaiser, climate policy expert at Greenpeace. "The worst, but still a likely outcome is that going to bury the Kyoto Protocol here. The best is that the parties can agree on some building blocks towards a global deal next year with a clear timetable and a clear mandate to do so. "

Mexico's optimism

Mexico believes that the talks this year are developing "good" and that the future of the Kyoto treaty could be decided within two years, Environment Minister Juan Rafael Elvira Quesada, said in an interview on 2 December.

"The Kyoto Protocol is not necessary to change between now and December 10," when the current round of talks ended, he said. "We can devote to other areas in which the world awaits solutions."

With ministers arriving next week for the last few days some of the talks, the rhetoric is likely to be heated, said Artur Runge-Metzger, European Commission representative. Leaders like Hugo Chávez of Venezuela, Evo Morales of Bolivia and Rafael Correa of Ecuador's plan to attend.

"As we approach the ministerial segment, which typically see is that the different parts begin to raise the stakes and the tone becomes more acute," Runge-Metzger said. "Why not submit a minister with a small crisis to push a little harder?"

Stern, U.S. said "a lot" of work has been done on emissions from Copenhagen anchor of the promises made in the Danish capital, from a green and establishing a mechanism for disseminating clean technologies.

"I do not want to lose that because of conflict over the issue of Kyoto," he said. "Hopefully we can find common ground that both parties can live."

That's not enough to Bolivia, said Pablo Solon, the chief negotiator of the nation in Cancun.

"It's like telling your wife for me to stay married to you, I hope they'll let me take a second wife, '" said Solon.


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