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Saturday, November 20, 2010

Falcone Hedge-Fund Losses Spur Shell Company's Search for Lasting Capital

Philip Falcone, the hedge fund manager under fire from customers to tie up money in a wireless network and other hard to sell the assets, plans to help fund bets on the future by selling stocks and bonds through a shell company publicly traded.

Herald Group Inc., an oil driller once the hedge funds Falcone took over last year, raised 350 million U.S. dollars this week with the sale of five-year debt with a yield to maturity of a 11 percent . Falcone plans to use cash from the company and the ability to issue shares to buy controlling stakes in industries from agriculture to telecommunications, according to a filing this month.

Ranked among the top managers of hedge funds in early 2008, Falcone made concentrated bets in iron mining and energy producers that collapsed during the financial crisis. Put 15 units of private capital in a separate account to prevent the sale at discounted prices. After losing about two-thirds of assets under management, partly due to customer defections, Falcone is looking for alternative ways to finance investment control.

"Sounds like a backwards way to get permanent capital," said Daniel Celeghin, a partner at Casey Quirk & Associates LLC, a management consultant in Darien, Connecticut, the investment advisory business. "There is a pool of money that can be administered indefinitely and not have to worry about redemptions."

11% yield

Herald Group bonds, due in November 2015, has a 10.625% coupon and were sold at 98.587 cents on the dollar to yield 11 percent. The average high-yield, high risk bonds have a yield to maturity of 7.82 percent, Bank of America Merrill Lynch index data show. The greatest risk of debt, rated CCC and lower returns, 11.48 percent.

The company's shares have fallen ghost 38 percent this year and have lost a quarter of its value since late August. Shareholders include Legg Mason Inc. 's Royce & Associates LLC and River Road Asset Management, an asset manager in Louisville, Kentucky-based acquired this year by British insurer Aviva Plc.

Traditionally, hedge funds have raised money by selling limited partnership units to investors and to enter into margin lending or repurchase agreements secured by their investments. Both forms of finance are more temporary, investors can sell the interests of limited partners back to a fund on a quarterly or annual basis, and lenders can demand repayment or sale of assets of the funds it owes its decline market value.

Wireless Betting

Continued investment through a publicly traded company can raise Falcone permanent capital through sales of bonds and stocks, supplementing funds from institutional investors that can be redeemed. You can also make it easier to comply with requests for reimbursement for use of Shell company stock to pay investors, instead of having to dispose of assets, liquidity, said David Guin, director of the practice of values U.S. in the law firm of Cruz Bergman LLP in New York.

"Harbinger Group Inc. was not acquired to be a mechanism to deal with the depreciation of capital funds Herald," said Jeffrey Zelkowitz, a spokesman for Harbinger. "Rather, HGI is a permanent capital vehicle to the house of a controlling stake in the long-term capital in companies that operate across a diverse set of industries."

Falcone, 48, has angered some customers by linking about 90 percent of his flagship, Harbinger Capital Partners Fund and more than half of the Special Fund of the situations in wireless telecommunications investments, from September. The hedge fund manager is trying to build a multimillion-dollar private wireless network connection that most high-speed Internet for businesses that want to offer their customers with services related to the Web.

Goldman Saca

Management Advisors LLC advantage, said in a regulatory filing on June 8 which was to redeem a stake in the flagship, Harbinger Capital Partners Fund due to a "mismatch" between the liquidity offered to investors and liquidity of the underlying investments of Harbinger Capital Partners.

Goldman Sachs Group Inc. plans to release its entire $ 120,000,000 Harbinger Capital Partners investment after a decrease of 15 percent until mid-October and the revelation that Falcone borrowed money from a fund to pay his personal taxes, according to people briefed on plans.

Harbinger Capital Partners began to embark on a different funding strategy in July last year, when three of its hedge funds paid $ 74 million to acquire a 51.6 percent stake in Zapata Corp. family of Malcolm Glazer Financial . Zapata reinstated as the Herald Falcone Group in December and later moved its headquarters from Manhattan to Rochester, New York.

"Long-term Investments"

The company, co-founded in late 1950 by former U.S. president George HW Bush as an oil drilling contractor, has no operating business. As of September 30, assets including seven employees, approximately $ 139,900,000 in cash and Treasuries, and a listing on the New York Stock Exchange.

Under an investment agreement in March formal management, Harbinger Capital will use the shell to obtain "control shares" in companies operating in six industries, including consumer products, insurance and financial products, telecommunications, agriculture , power generation and water and natural resources, according to a Nov. 1 filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

"Our corporate structure provides significant advantages compared to the traditional structure of hedge funds long-term holdings," said Herald Group on 01 November, the SEC filing. company's corporate structure also provides additional options for the financing of acquisitions, the filing said, "including the ability to use our common stock as a form of consideration."

Spectrum Brands

Falcone does not intend to use Herald LightSquared Group Inc. to finance the construction company wireless network, Zelkowitz said.

Harbinger Hedge funds plan to swap most of its majority stake in the trading of spectrum Holdings Inc. marks an additional shares 119900000 Herald Group, a move that will leave them holding 93 percent of its common stock . After the exchange of shares, Harbinger Group shares held spectrum marks a market value of about 767 million U.S. dollars along with cash from the company.

Herald Group needed to start shopping as the New York Stock Exchange in August reported that management actions could be delisted unless an operating business in May 2011, according to the quarterly report filed with the SEC on 09 November.

According to an Oct. 8 filing with the SEC, the fund Harbinger Capital logo offers ghost company assign its right to purchase U.S. life insurance unit of Old Mutual plc, an agreement of $ 350 million was announced in August. Herald Group discussed the financing of the acquisition through bank loans or the sale of high yield bonds or convertible preferred stock.

Citadel, KKR

On October 22, Grupo Heraldo reported that the company and the hedge fund had jointly decided not to transfer the rights to purchase.

There have been few other moves by hedge funds to secure the long-term financing, in part because depreciation is often a problem before the credit crisis, according to Celeghin.

Ken Griffin of Citadel Investment Group LLC sold $ 500 million five-year bonds to investors in 2006, the first sale of bonds by a hedge fund. The sale may have helped the Chicago firm reduce dependence on the financing of investment banks on Wall Street.

private equity firms, which invest in hard-to-sell assets have been sold shares in the funds that are then listed on a stock, which require investors who want to charge to sell their shares on the open market rather selling it back to back to NAV.


Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co., now KKR & Co. LP, raised $ 5 billion in 2006 from the sale of shares in a private equity fund listed on Euronext Amsterdam until last year. For KKR, the fund was the first step to becoming a public company. The company last year merged with the public fund and this year moved to contribute to the New York Stock Exchange.

"It was not until 2007 when it all became fluid and everybody wanted the hedge funds had a problem," said Celeghin.

Investors sought to pull almost $ 300 million hedge fund between October 1, 2008 and June 30, 2009, according to Chicago-based Hedge Fund Research Inc., forcing managers to sell illiquid assets at depressed prices block or refunds.

Herald was hit particularly hard. During the third quarter of 2008, when 500 the Standard & Poor's fell 8.9 percent, Falcone sold 4.1 billion U.S. dollars of shares in hedge funds through the reduction or elimination of investments in 15 companies.


In November, Falcone found that its flagship fund buying nearly 20 million shares of Calpine Corp. Special Fund situations. Herald ranked the largest shareholder of the energy producer at the time, with a 25 per cent.

Falcone is to liquidate the Fund 80 percent of 2 billion U.S. dollars Special Situations, which has a piece of investment LightSquared, at the request of customers, investors say. Falcone has been trying since June to raise $ 1 billion to $ 1.5 billion for LightSquared of investors willing to commit capital for several years, according to potential investors who have seen the marketing documents.

total assets of the firm based in New York have declined to about $ 9 billion, from September, from $ 26 billion in mid-2008.

Greg Lippmann who became famous for betting against the subprime mortgage

Greg Lippmann, the former trader at Deutsche Bank AG, which became famous for betting against the subprime mortgage securities-focused buying a hedge fund debt in its first month.

LibreMax Capital LLC fund gained about 1.67 percent in October, and which invested 44.4 percent of their portfolio in bonds backed by subprime loans to borrowers with the worst credit, according to a letter to investors obtained by News. Hedge funds returned 1.5 percent on average last month.

Lippmann, 41, started the firm based in New York to Fred Brettschneider, the former head of global markets at Deutsche Bank Americas, after the German lender started this year. Lippmann team nearly $ 2 billion for the bank in 2007 betting against risky debt through credit default swaps, as homeowner delinquencies soared, according to "The largest ever Trade ( Broadway Books, 2009) by Greg Zuckerman.

"Returns were boosted by the rally in the mortgage market in general as well as strong commercial gains during the month," it said in the letter.

John Curran, director of marketing for LibreMax, declined comment. Lippmann is the company's accounting chief investment.

LibreMax Partners LP bought and sold 9 82 titles last month, according to the letter. "Our investment team had a first active month," the company said.

Foreclosure Problems

The fund found "attractive investment opportunities" sliced junior ranking of the largest subprime securitization and repackaging securities junior pieces of prime mortgage loans and bonds whose principal is never paid, according to the letter.

In addition to subprime mortgage debt, the company also has 13.9 percent of the fund's portfolio for other values of mortgage-backed securities without government, according to the letter.

LibreMax is to dismiss concerns that problems of exclusion created by the loan servicers in September to recognize that they used false affidavits in court, damages bondholders by increasing the time it takes to clear soured debt.

Investors in residential mortgage-backed securities, or RMBS, does not change what they pay, the company said.

"While the press about the risks of exclusion has been frequent, the RMBS market has largely shrugged off this news," the company said. "We agree with this sentiment and believe that current prices, in general terms, taking into account the possibility of extended periods of foreclosure."

Falcone, Paulson

Lippmann was one of the traders on Wall Street who helped create the standard default swap contracts, which made it easier for John Paulson hedge funds, including Paulson & Co., Philip Falcone, of Harbinger Capital Partners and Hayman Advisors LP to bet against the housing.

In 2006 and 2007, Lippmann encouraged money managers to make bets and run their operations, according to Zuckerman's book and Michael Lewis "The Short Grande" (Norton / Allen Lane), which was also presented. Paulson and Hayman, led by Kyle Bass, are among the investors later began buying mortgage bonds at a price equal to bottom.

Markit ABX index of credit-default swaps tied to 20 subprime mortgage bonds rated AAA when created in the second half of 2006 has risen almost 33 percent this year, according to administrator Markit Group Ltd. The overall increase indicates that there is less pessimism about the value of risky debt.

Index levels

The index levels are generally similar to the prices being paid by the underlying securities for pennies on the dollar. The index rose to 56.13 hours after falling as low as 28.46 in April 2009. It lost 1 percent last month after rising to nearly 60, the highest since October 2008, during the period.

Prices of securities backed by higher fixed rate mortgages called Alt-A gained 1 cent last month to about 79 cents, according to Barclays Capital. Debt related to loans to borrowers who often did not document their income or do not plan to live in other advanced properties percent last week after finishing last year at about 72 cents. Holders receive interest payments.

Seer Capital Management LP, the hedge fund run by Philip Weingord, is also buying high-risk mortgage securities, said in an interview Weingord 30 September. He oversaw Lippmann's Deutsche Bank, while the trader did bet against subprime mortgages. Weingord left Deutsche Bank in 2008 and was replaced by Brettschneider.

Partners LibreMax recent months, also bought "highly experienced" securities linked to home loans, manufactured, and the category of debt made up 20.7 percent of the investments, according to the letter. He also bought bonds backed by private-student loans, credit card accounts high risk and high returns, business loans, high risk, known as collateralized loan obligations.

The fund lost money last month on the cover of the participation of high-yield corporate debt, according to the letter.

China Wealth Fund Holds 74 Million General Growth Shares After Bankruptcy

sovereign wealth fund China, in a bet that the real American goods and retail spending recovers, has acquired a 7.4 per cent of General Growth Properties Inc., the U.S. owner the second largest center.

China Investment Corp. has 59,300,000 common shares and warrants to purchase an additional 14,700,000 shares, according to a Form 4 filed Tuesday with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. The Future Fund Board of Guardians, a pension fund manager of the Government of Australia, holds a 6.4 percent overall growth based in Chicago, records show.

the U.S. consumer spending in China-made clothing and consumer electronics to help push the trade gap between the two countries, which rose 21 percent to 201.2 billion U.S. dollars in the first 10 months of this year. China is using FDI to capture some of the profits from sales abroad of goods that its factories churn out for companies such as Apple Inc., said Dan Rosen, director of rhodium Group, a research firm New York who specializes in China.

"In addition to the manufacture of goods, China is coming to retail," Rosen said in a telephone interview today. "The margins that the Chinese enjoy the fantastic goods and are small compared with the profit margins of the Wal-Marts of the world."

General Growth emerged from bankruptcy estate largest in U.S. history on 9 November. As part of the restructuring, he left Howard Hughes Inc., owner of the planned communities and other properties, as an independent publicly traded.

Brookfield Entities

China Investment Fund and the future of Australia to maintain its stake in General Growth through the bodies established by Brookfield Asset Management Inc., a Toronto-based company, founded by members of the Canadian Bronfman family. Brookfield and its clients invested around 2.31 billion U.S. dollars at the mall drive through bankruptcy reorganization, with an additional $ 200 million dedicated to Howard Hughes Inc.

Zwieg Hugh, an officer in overall growth, did not return a phone call seeking comment. Andrew Willis, a spokesman for Brookfield, declined to comment on the China Investment Partner with money management firm.

Investment in China, with about $ 300 billion under management, has been created to generate greater returns on foreign exchange reserves of the country. China is the world's largest holder of U.S. Treasury bonds, with 883.5 billion U.S. dollars of securities at September 30, according to the U.S. Treasury Department.

"Attractive alternative"

"High quality U.S. commercial real estate is an attractive alternative for SWFs to invest dollars," said Alex Avery, an analyst at real estate industry at CIBC World Markets Inc. in Toronto. "You get the safe haven currency, but you have to cope with low yields of Treasury bonds."

China Investment committed about U.S. $ 800 million for the property $ 4,700,000,000 Morgan Stanley announced worldwide in June, according to Private Equity Real Estate. The fund was also negotiating to buy some real estate to Harvard University for several hundred million dollars. This operation failed, a person briefed on the matter said in September.

Brookfield formed a response group $ 5,500,000,000 real estate in August 2009 to invest in commercial real estate in trouble, according to Willis. Under the terms of the agreement, members had the final say on whether the money was spent on various occasions identified by the Canadian money manager.

Wealth Funds

When a bidding war to invest in the overall growth erupted earlier this year, rival claimants sought financial support from the funds of wealth in the Middle East and Asia, the Financial Times in March. At that time, Brookfield said it might seek financing from investors in the response group, including China Investment Future Fund and Government of Singapore Investment Corp., the newspaper said.

According to documents filed, Brookfield was 230.9 million shares of overall growth, over 57.5 million warrants in return for their investment. About a quarter of the stake was assigned to sovereign wealth fund China, with 64.4 million shares and orders to go to the Board of the Fund for the Future of the Guardians, who helps oversee about 69 billion U.S. dollars pension assets to the Australian government.

Brookfield was formed by Peter and Edward Bronfman in 1954 after the two brothers cashed out its stake in Seagram Co. Ltd., a spirits company based in Montreal which was ultimately acquired by Vivendi SA in 2000 other members of the Bronfman family. Brookfield, which specializes in real estate to energy and infrastructure investments, has about $ 113 billion in assets under management, including $ 20 billion sovereign wealth and pension funds, said Willis.

General Growth rose 42 cents, or 2.9 percent, to $ 15.10 at 4:15 am in the market in New York Stock Exchange. The company issued 135 million shares earlier this week at $ 14.75 each.

Investors retreated the most in almost 19 years of indefinite

Investors retreated the most in almost 19 years of indefinite U.S. municipal bond funds in the week ended November 17 as the growing concern that cities and states are deteriorating finances.

municipal funds lost $ 3 billion in redemptions in the week, the most since the week ending January 8, 1992, according to Tom Roseen, senior analyst at research firm Lipper Fund. The funds added $ 34 million in the previous week, Roseen said.

"It has become a negative feedback loop," said Thomas Metzold, co-director of municipal investments in Boston Corp., based Eaton Vance, in a telephone interview yesterday. "The funds have to sell bonds to meet redemptions, putting pressure on prices, causing more write-downs."

Muni-bottom prices of bonds have fallen an average of 3.7 percent last month amid renewed concerns about inflation, an avalanche of supply of the transmitters and the speculation that the Republican Congress, after winning the control of the U.S. House on 02 November, the midterm elections will block aid to cities and states.

Yields on tax-exempt bonds high ratings due in 10 years rose 23 basis points on November 17, the biggest increase since March 2009. A basis point is one hundredth of a percent. The bond yield rose 3 percent yesterday, up to seven months.

"This started after the elections took place and it was obvious that the Republicans have a majority in the House of Representatives," said Metzold.

Build America

The results of the vote cast uncertainty over the level of federal support for states and cities will be in 2011 and about the prospects for an extension of the Build America Bonds said.

The program, which expires on December 31 typically provides a 35 percent subsidy on interest payments for municipal bond issuers liability. More than $ 150 million in Build America Bonds had been issued as of October 31, according to the Treasury Department.

The anticipation of maturity, which could increase the supply of traditional muni bonds exempt from taxes, has helped lower prices, Metzold said.

From 610 indefinite muni funds tracked by reportes, three had a positive return in the last month. California issuers had the biggest drop, falling an average of 5 percent for the month ended November 18, data from Morningstar Inc. show.

The 30.8 billion U.S. dollars in the medium term Vanguard tax-exempt fund, the largest municipal bond fund, fell 3 percent in the month ended Nov. 18. He gained 2.6 percent this year.

Closed Funds

municipal bond funds closed end it was an average of 6.4 percent in the month through November 18, according to Morningstar. Its deeper loss reflects increased use of leverage and its ability to trade at a discount or premium to net asset values.

The funds, on average, traded at a premium of 0.55 percent to its net asset value on October 15, according to Cecilia Gondor, an analyst of closed-end funds in the Thomas J. Herzfeld Advisors Inc. in Miami. That fell to 0.36 percent on Nov. 17.

closed muni funds extended their losses yesterday. The Nuveen Municipal Closed index declined 1 percent yesterday and 7.4 percent in the last month. 321.4 million U.S. dollars of Pimco Municipal Income Fund III fell 4.1 percent yesterday and 9.8 percent in the last month and 190.6 million U.S. dollars Nuveen Municipal High Income Opportunity Fund 2 fell 3, 2 percent yesterday and 9.5 percent for the month.

closed-end funds issue a fixed number of shares that trade on an exchange. When investors exit, which sell through the exchange, rather than open-end shareholders who redeem shares at net asset value to the fund.

Reassure investors

municipal bond funds received $ 35 billion in deposits this year before the withdrawal last week. Funds of $ 515,000,000,000 in late September, according to the ICI.

Eaton Vance and Western Asset Management, a unit of Legg Mason Inc. of Baltimore, have been quick to reassure customers in an attempt to prevent further withdrawals.

"This is an event-driven cash flow is not a credit event," said Joseph P. Deane, a muni-fund manager in Pasadena, California, Western Asset Management, yesterday in a conference call with financial advisers. "The market is very cheap."

Deane is at 5.7 billion U.S. dollars of Legg Mason Western Asset Managed Municipal Fund, part of the West of the $ 38 billion in municipal bond assets. Fell by 4.5 percent last month.

Stephen Ban, a managing director with Chicago-based Nuveen Asset Management, said the Federal Reserve plan to buy $ 600 billion in assets as part of an effort monetary stimulus also lower muni-bond prices.

Facilitate the Fed

"The Treasury rates are rising and municipal bonds have taken the example of that on top of oversupply" that expiry of Build America Bond program can create, "said Ban.

Nuveen, a unit of private equity firm Madison Dearborn Partners LLC, manages $ 73 billion in assets in municipal bonds, including open-ended and closed-end funds.

Along with Deane and Metzold, called the current situation as a buying opportunity.

"I put all my year-end bonus in my back yesterday," Metzold said, referring to the $ 5,800,000,000 Eaton Vance National Municipal Income Fund. The fund lost 8.2 percent in the last month.

Pimco Said to Seek at Least $1 Billion for Fund to Buy Troubled Bank Loans

Pacific Investment Management Co., manager of investment funds world's largest, is growing at least $ 1 billion for a private fund to buy bad loans from banks to divest assets to meet the new standards, said two people briefed on the plans.

The Pimco fund Bravo, an acronym for Opportunity Bank Recapitalization and value, will acquire the commercial and residential mortgage loans and other debts, according to a potential investor who declined to be identified because the increase in private capital. Pimco plans to work with a loan manager to renegotiate the terms of the debt incurred directly with creditors, the client said.

Financial institutions are selling assets after the 27 - nation of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision adopted regulations in September that more than twice the proportion of capital that banks must hold in relation to the amount of risk on their balance sheets . Pimco, the company Newport Beach, California, best known for its fixed-income mutual funds, such as those run by Bill Gross, has raised at least $ 5 million for institutional clients to buy distressed mortgages and bonds backed by property loans roots as the global credit crisis began in late 2007.

"The assessment is in the wheelhouse of Pimco, and the value is really the main challenge of this type of investment," said Geoff Bobroff, an independent fund consultant in East Greenwich, Rhode Island, in a telephone interview.

The Pimco Distressed Mortgage Fund LP, opened before the peak of the crisis in October 2007, returned 54 percent in the year ended Sept. 30 after losing nearly a third of its value in 2008, the investor said. The Pimco Distressed Senior Credit Opportunities Fund soared 28 percent in the year to September, according to the investor.

'Problem' Banks

The number of banks considered "problem" lenders by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. rose even with economic recovery, and bad loans remained on balance sheets. The list of FDIC increased 7 percent in the second quarter to 829 banks.

Pimco institutional funds should target small lenders and community banks, and will not buy consumer debt such as credit cards and auto loans, said the investor. Mark Porterfield, a spokesman for Pimco, declined comment.

"Pimco is using a winning combination of strategies to take advantage of dislocations in the banking system," Eric Petroff, director of research at consulting firm associated Wurts in Seattle, said in a telephone interview.

Dozens of fund managers have opened funds to invest in mortgage-related advantage of low prices as the market began to unravel three years ago. Most, like Pimco Bravo, are aimed at institutional investors such as pension funds and endowments.

Cargill, DoubleLine

An investment unit of Cargill Inc., food manufacturer based in Minneapolis, said last month that raised 373 million U.S. dollars to buy assets from banks' debt. DoubleLine Capital LP in Los Angeles, started by former TCW Group Inc., Chief Investment Officer Jeffrey Gundlach, brought $ 79,000,000 for a fund to invest in mortgage-related assets, according to the November 2 filing the Securities and Exchange Commission U.S.. Headquartered in Chicago, Ken Griffin's Citadel LLC raised $ 225 million for a fund residential mortgage opportunities, according to a regulatory filing in August.

Distressed securities are mostly loans and low-skilled, high-yield bonds whose issuers are struggling to meet interest and principal payments. They usually sell below face value and investors may benefit if prices rebound or securities are exchanged for equity in a restructuring.

The instruments plunged in value two years ago, when investors shunned all but the safest of government-backed debt after the failure of Bear Stearns Cos. and Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc., U.S. Bank America Merrill Lynch high yield Distressed index fell 45 percent in 2008, followed by a record profit of 117 percent in 2009 as the markets recovered. In the 12 months ended Sept. 30, the index rose by 29 percent.

Pimco's expansion

Pimco, began in 1971 primarily as a store-oriented link traditional United States, has expanded in emerging markets and hedging strategies fund style. Under Mohamed El-Erian, who was appointed CEO in late 2007, the company has opened long-term funds try to minimize the risks of systemic crisis and opportunistic funds seeking to take advantage of temporary market disruptions, such as distressed-debt vehicles.

Last year, the company made an effort in stocks and actively managed exchange-traded funds. The Pimco fund company Pathfinder NCA, which invests in global stocks undervalued, also devote a portion of the assets of distressed debt.

Pimco added a consulting arm in 2009 to help customers value the mortgage-related investments and other securities. The division, Pimco advisory work has won the National Association of Insurance Commissioners to help evaluate investment home loan, by insurers and the Federal Reserve, which runs the Commercial Paper Funding Facility .

Output PPIP

Pimco, with about $ 1.2 billion in assets, was one of the main public-private management of the U.S. Treasury Investment Plan before it was reduced last year, citing the "uncertainty" about the design of the program. PPIP, supervised by eight directors, including New York, BlackRock Inc., is the intention of buying undervalued real estate assets to accelerate the recovery of financial markets.

A unit of Munich-based insurer Allianz SE, Pimco runs the Return of $ 255 900 000 000 Pimco Total Fund, managed by Gross. The fund had 39 percent of assets in mortgage-related debt from October 31, according to the company website background.

Asian currencies pared losses

Asian currencies pared losses as signs of the Week Ireland will accept a rescue plan and regional economies are to sustain growth fueled investors' appetite for higher yielding assets.

Irish central bank governor said Patrick Honohan November 18 is expected to touch a loan from the European Union and the International Monetary Fund worth "tens of billions" of euros, reduced demand for the safety of the dollar. Asia exchange rates fell this week to the governments concerned to impose controls to curb capital flows. Ministry of Finance of South Korea said on 18 November, supported the legislation of a tax on bonds.

"Much will depend on whether the Dublin agreement, the IMF and the EU will end the weekend," said Radhika Rao, regional economist at Forecast Pte in Singapore. "Investors do not like this kind of uncertainty", such as withholding tax in South Korea, said Rao.

South Korean won appreciated 0.1 percent to 1,133.65 per dollar in Seoul, reducing its fall this week to 0.5 percent. Malaysia's ringgit rose 0.2 percent to 3.1174, comparing the decline in the past five days to 0.2 percent. Thai baht was little changed at 29.94 and fell 0.6 percent in the week.

South Korean government will support the restoration of law of a 14 percent tax on interest income from treasury bonds and central bank and a 20 percent capital gains tax on sale, the Ministry of Finance said that on 18 November.

"Concerns about government measures to control capital has not disappeared completely," said Lee Young Chul, a coin dealer at Korea Exchange Bank in Seoul. "We have seen the authorities to limit the gains around 1,130 per dollar."

Taiwan Economy

Taiwan dollar strengthened after the economy expanded more than expected in the third quarter. The currency rose 0.2 percent to NT $ 30,673, taking profit of the week to 0.3 percent.

Gross domestic product rose 9.8 percent in the third quarter last year, the government reported after the close of business on 18 November. The median estimate of economists was for growth of 8.3 percent.

"Taiwan's economy is in very good shape, and will continue to attract hot money," said Hao Yun-Juan, a currency trader in Taipei in Kingstown Bank. "This puts more pressure on the central bank to stem currency gains."

The ringgit advanced for a second day after the central bank said it is considering measures to curb capital inflows. Malaysia, whose bonds have attracted record funds from abroad this year, will maintain "a strict surveillance" to ensure markets are not overwhelmed, central bank governor Zetia Akhtar Aziz, said in Oslo on 18 November.

Force Ringgit

"It's a signal that can withstand the force even ringgit, and that's what the market is looking for," said Nik M. Khairul, a merchant cash advance in Asia Finance Bhd in Kuala Lumpur. "Most central banks continue to protect against hot money."

Overseas holdings of debt in Malaysia were 68 million ringgit ($ 21,800,000,000) as of September 30, about 66 percent more than at the end of last year, according to data from Bank Negara Malaysia on Oct. 29 .

"This is not on the table to impose any restrictions on capital flows," he told reporters Zetia. "Of course, we will work with other countries if necessary and there is no risk to stability in our region."

Elsewhere, the Singapore dollar fell 0.2 percent this week to S $ 1.2952 against the U.S. currency and the Philippine peso fell 0.2 percent to 43.81. Indonesia rupiah lost 0.1 percent for 8933 and the Indian rupee fell 0.9 percent to 45.19.

U.S. Stocks Fluctuate as Corporate Profits Offset China Concern

U.S. stocks avoided a second straight weekly decline as corporate profits higher than expected and the acquisition of Caterpillar Inc. 's Bucyrus International Inc. overcome concerns about the decision by China to cool inflation.

Caterpillar, the world's largest maker of construction equipment, rose 3.6 percent this week for the biggest gain in the Dow Jones Industrial Average. Salesforce.com Inc., the fourth-best performance at 500 Standard & Poor's in 2010, up 19 percent of its sales forecast beat estimates. Urban Outfitters Inc. rose 13 percent and Dell Inc. gained 3.5 percent after its earnings beat forecasts.

The S & P 500 gained less than 0.1 percent to 1,199.73 this week after falling 2.2 percent the previous week. The index fell 1.6 percent on 16 November, the biggest drop since August, amid concerns that the debt crisis in Ireland and Greece is getting worse and Chinese measures to combat inflation, slow down economic growth. The Dow rose 10.97 points, or 0.1 percent, at 11,203.55.

"From a domestic perspective, the economy pick up, employment is improving and earnings are pretty good," said James Dunigan, chief investment officer at PNC Wealth Management in Philadelphia, which oversees $ 105 billion. "Things will be chopping, but in an environment of increased internal."

The S & P 500 gained 5.1 percent since Sept. 30 as third-quarter profit beat analyst forecasts of 6.6 percent for the 457 companies that have reported. It was the sixth consecutive period in which more than 70 percent of companies beat expectations, the longest stretch since at least 1993.

Concern over China

The shares fell 16 November amid efforts by China's concern to curb inflation will slow global growth. benchmark indices opened lower yesterday after Bank of China ordered a 50 basis point increase in the amount of money lenders must set aside reserves, after two days of the cabinet announced measures to fight inflation.

Caterpillar rose 3.6 percent to $ 83.97. The world's largest maker of construction equipment, agreed to buy Bucyrus from 7.6 billion to add shovels and drills for its range of machinery for mining. Bucyrus recovered 28 percent to $ 89.20.

Salesforce.com rose 19 percent to $ 136.74 for the biggest gain in the S & P 500. The largest online software vendor relationship management with customers forecast fourth-quarter sales that beat analysts' estimates after attracting about 28 percent more paying customers than a year ago.

Urban Outfitters advanced 13 percent to $ 37.26. The clothing retailer reported third-quarter profit that topped analysts' average forecasts of a 13 percent increase in sales.

Cheaper parts

Dell rose 3.5 percent to $ 13.90. The third largest supplier of personal computers reported profit that beat analyst estimates. Dell benefited from lower prices for parts and spending dynamic companies that are upgrading aging personal computers and servers.

Merck & Co. rose 1.8 percent to $ 35.33. An experimental drug the pharmaceutical world's second largest increase levels of good cholesterol, reduce bad cholesterol and may have helped patients avoid cardiac complications, without the security risks that prompted Pfizer Inc. to abandon a product similar four years ago.

PulteGroup Inc. fell 13 percent to $ 6.50. The largest U.S. homebuilder by income fell after builders in the U.S. began work on houses less than expected in October as the industry was mired near the depth reached during the recession. Residential construction fell at an annual rate of 519,000, lowest since the record low in April 2009.

D.R. Horton Inc., the second largest homebuilder, lost 9 percent to $ 10.48. Home Depot Inc., the largest U.S. retailer home improvement, fell 0.7 percent to $ 31.22.

Travelers Cos. fell 1.5 percent to $ 55.49. The insurer, which held municipal debt worth 41.4 billion U.S. dollars at the end of the third quarter, fell after a sell municipal bonds. Investors retreated the most in almost 19 years of indefinite U.S. municipal bond funds in the week ended November 17 as the growing concern that cities and states are deteriorating finances.

Shares of the following companies are having unusual movements in U.S. trade

(Corrects description of the projection of dividends at the point of Nike.)

Shares of the following companies are having unusual movements in U.S. trade. Stock symbols are in parentheses and prices are from 1:40 pm in New York.

Alpha Natural Resources Inc. (ANR U.S.) rose 7.6 percent to $ 50.53 after rising to $ 50.91, the highest intraday price since April 26. The U.S. coal producer major third said he wants to expand its metallurgical coal operations, possibly through acquisitions.

American Car Mart Inc. (CRMT U.S.) fell 11 percent to $ 25.29 after falling as much as 15 percent, the most intraday since January 2009. The seller of used cars and trucks reported its second-quarter profit, excluding some items of 56 cents per share, missing the average analyst estimate by 12 percent.

AnnTaylor Stores Corp. (ANN U.S.) gained 9 percent to $ 25.88 after advancing to $ 26.12 earlier, the highest intraday price since September 2008. The women's apparel chain reported third-quarter adjusted earnings were 42 cents per share, beating the average estimate of 34 cents by analysts. The New York-based company also raised its sales forecast for 2011 to 1.97 billion U.S. dollars, exceeding analyst estimates of $ 1.95 billion on average.

Autodesk Inc. (ADSK U.S.) fell 4.3 percent to $ 34.72 after falling 4.9 percent earlier, the most intraday since August 6. The maker of software used in the bridge design and special effects movies annual profit forecast excluding some items of $ 1.30 per share or less. That is below the average estimate of analysts polled of $ 1.31.

Cabot Oil & Gas Corp. (COG U.S.) gained 3.5 percent to $ 35.63 after gaining as much as 4 percent, the most intraday since 09 November. The natural gas producer, said the sale of about 75 kilometers of pipeline and other assets to a subsidiary of Williams Partners LP (WPZ U.S.) for $ 150 million and a collection contract 25 years.

CVR Energy Inc. (CVI U.S.) sank 4.3 percent to $ 11 after falling to 8.6 percent, the most intraday since November 2009. The Sugar Land-based oil refinery in Texas has announced the price of 18 million shares at $ 10.75 each in a public offering.

Del Monte Foods Co. (DLM U.S.) rose 9.8 percent to $ 17.26 and $ 17.72 joined earlier, the highest intraday price since it went public in February 2009. KKR & Co. is in advanced talks to buy the maker of canned fruits and Meow Mix cat food, according to two people familiar with the matter.

Empire Resorts Inc. (NYNY U.S.) fell 7.1 percent to $ 1.43 after deleting as many as 21 percent, the most intraday since November 2009. Gambling and resort management company said its largest shareholder, Kien Huat Realty Corp. III, agreed to pay $ 35 million to help the company to pay the total of its convertible notes due 2014.

Foot Locker Inc. (Florida, USA) met the 11 percent to $ 18.20 after rising earlier to $ 18.34, the highest intraday price since August 2007. The athletic footwear and apparel retailer reported third-quarter revenue of $ 1.28 billion, beating the average estimate of analysts polled of $ 1,220,000,000.

Gap Inc. (GPS U.S.) fell 1.8 percent to $ 20.53 after falling 4.2 percent previously, most intraday since 3 August. The clothing retailer said net income fell to 48 cents per share for the three months ended Oct. 30. Analysts predicted 48 cents per share, the average of estimates tracked by us

General Motors (GM U.S.) fell 0.5 percent to $ 34.01 on the second day of trading and earlier touched $ 33.11, reaching its offer price of $ 33. The shares began trading on the New York Stock Exchange yesterday after a compound of 15.8 billion U.S. dollars initial public offering of common stock.

Hibbett Sports Inc. (Hibba U.S.) advanced 14 percent to $ 32.02 after touching $ 32.57 earlier, the highest intraday price since February 2007. The sports shop chain which reported third-quarter adjusted earnings of 44 cents per share excluding some items, topping the average analyst estimate by 6 cents.

Intuit Inc. (INTU U.S.) fell 5.9 percent to $ 45.34 after erasing as much as 6.6 percent, the most intraday since May 6. The provider of tax software and personal finance forecast second-quarter profit, excluding some items of 40 cents per share maximum. The average forecast of analysts surveyed by reports was for earnings of 45 cents.

H & R Block Inc. (HRB U.S.), the largest tax preparer in the U.S., fell 1.8 percent to $ 12.30.

Kirkland's Inc. (KIRK U.S.) fell more on Russell 2000 index, falling 17 percent to $ 10.77. The home furnishings and gifts retailer lowered its full-year projections and said it expects to earn $ 1.29 per share at most. The company had projected earnings of $ 1.42 at least.

Marvell Technology Group Ltd. (MRVL U.S.) rose 6.9 percent to $ 20.25 after gaining as much as 7.9 percent, the most intraday since 20 August. The manufacturer of processors for the BlackBerry reported third-quarter sales and earnings that topped analysts' average .

Mela Sciences Inc. (MELA U.S.) nearly doubled to $ 4.78 and rose up to 131 percent, the most intraday since October 2005. The medical device maker, announced that a Food and Drug Administration advisory panel voted that the diagnosis of skin cancer MelaFind device is safe and effective.

NetSuite Inc. (N U.S.) rose 12 percent to $ 24.54 and rose to $ 24.70 earlier, the highest intraday price since Sept. 29. The software maker relationship management was rated "buy" in new coverage Feltl & Co.

Nike (NKE U.S.) rose 4.2 percent to $ 85.95 and increased by 4.3 percent previously, the most intraday since 24 September. The world's largest maker of athletic shoes has increased its quarterly dividend to 31 cents per share, exceeding the projected dividends of 29 %
Salesforce.com Inc. (CRM U.S.) rose 16 percent to $ 133.91 for the biggest gain in 500 of Standard & Poor's. The world's largest seller of software for online customer management forecast fourth-quarter sales of at least $ 447 million, beating the average analyst estimate of 424.6 million U.S. dollars.

Somaxon Pharmaceuticals Inc. (SOMX U.S.) fell 13 percent to $ 2.92 after sinking to 15 percent previously, the most intraday since 18 October. The San Diego lab, said the sale of 8,800,000 shares at $ 2.95 each

Staples Inc. (SPLS U.S.) rose 3.8 percent to $ 21.24 after rising earlier to $ 21.26, the highest intraday price since June 22. The world's leading retailer of office supply is attractive due to expanding margins and improving sales, Citigroup Inc., said in a note.

SunPower Corp. (SPWRA U.S.) fell 6.1 percent to $ 12.40 and fell 7.4 percent previously, the most intraday since 29 June. The U.S. manufacturer the second largest solar modules was reduced to "underperform" from "neutral" at Wedbush Securities Inc.

Western Digital Corp. (WDC U.S.) had the second highest gain in the S & P 500, adding 4.7 percent to $ 33.84. The global manufacturer of disk drives the second largest was named one idea of positive research by Morgan Stanley tactic, citing poor performance of the action and the potential of increased product prices in the third quarter.

Harrah's Shelves $531 Million IPO on Market Conditions

Harrah's Entertainment Inc., the largest operator of casinos, ended its 531 million U.S. dollars initial public offering, the first private equity firm backed by pulling its U.S. IPO in six months.

Harrah's, taken private Apollo Global Management LLC and TPG Capital in a leveraged buyout in 2008, canceled the sale because of "market conditions", according to the statement today the company's Las Vegas-based. The postponement was the first private equity firm backed from Americold Realty Trust, owned by billionaire Ron Burkle's Yucaipa Cos., shelved its offer in May, according to data compiled by our reportes and Greenwich, Connecticut was Renaissance Capital LLC.

IPO by Harrah's was the last of four scheduled by the private equity-backed companies in the largest sales week in the U.S. starting from March 2008. Nearly 40 percent of the IPOs managed by buyout funds left buyers with losses this year, while 500 of Standard & Poor's posted its biggest daily fall since August this week.

"Market conditions have been very volatile," said Wayne Wilbanks, chief investment officer at Wilbanks Smith & Thomas in Norfolk, Virginia, which manages about $ 1.6 billion. "The market will remain challenging with some of these super-leveraged" deals, he said.

New York Apollo, Leon Black David Bonderman and TPG took private Harrah's 30.7 billion U.S. dollars, including the cost of debt and transaction in January 2008. Harrah's intention to change its name to Caesars Entertainment Corp., according to its filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

Harrah's bonds

Harrah's plans to offer 31.3 million shares for $ 15 to $ 17 each, the filing said. The actions planned to be sold in a public offer is in addition to 710.3 million U.S. dollars of registered shares for sale by John Paulson, Paulson & Co. hedge funds. Agreed in June to acquire nearly 10 percent of Harrah's by swapping the bonds purchased at a discount.

Harrah's $ 3300000000 10 percent bonds due in December 2018, rated CCC by Standard & Poor's fell 2.25 cents to 86 cents from 17:04 in New York, according to Trace, the bond information system The price of the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority. The debt has fallen from a peak of 93.5 cents on 5 November.

Harrah's LBO was closed as a deepening financial crisis prompted the worst recession since the Great Depression and froze to do business in the shopping industry.

Restructured debt

The private owners of heritage casino operator had cut the company's debt by over $ 4 billion in the last two years, offering creditors new bonds at a discount to their old notes, the repurchase of debt for less than other nominal value and extend the maturities of $ 5.5 billion in loans.

Apollo holdings include Parsippany, New Jersey, Realogy Corp., while TPG participated in some of the largest LBO boom shopping that preceded the credit crisis. Among them, the record of TXU Corp. acquisition in 2007, a deal valued at 43.2 billion U.S. dollars, including assumed debt.

Among other IPOs of private equity backed this week, Aeroflex Holding Corp., semiconductor maker owned by Golden Gate Capital, Veritas Capital, and Goldman Sachs Group Inc. buyout fund, closed unchanged today on his first day New York Stock Exchange trade.

Aeroflex sold 17.25 million shares at $ 13.50 each yesterday, the lower end of its price range. Goldman Sachs in New York and Zurich-based Credit Suisse Group AG led the IPO.

Booz Allen, LPL

Booz Allen Hamilton Holding Corp. and LPL Investment Holdings Inc., both backed by private equity firms, there was progress on the first day of at least 7 percent this week after its IPO, while General Motors sold 20.1 billion U.S. dollars of shares common and preferred.

LPL of Boston and McLean, Virginia, Booz Allen rose more in its first trading day of the IPO average private equity backed. U.S. companies sold by private equity firms have earned an average of 1.2 percent in its debut on the stock, according to data compiled by us. Companies without private equity rose 9.4 percent on average, according to the data.

Moreover, Lizha Environmental Corp., a maker of synthetic leather waste from recycled leather, priced 2.5 million shares at $ 4 each day. The Tongxiang, China-based company had offered 1.82 million shares at $ 5 to $ 6 each, a filing with the SEC showed. The shares rose 0.3 percent in trading today.

Sales were among the 10 initial bids are expected this week. The largest came from GM, which sold 15.8 billion U.S. dollars of common shares, almost 50 percent more than the Detroit-based company initially requested, according to data compiled by us. The automaker also sold 4.35 billion U.S. dollars of preferred stock.

The IPO was the second largest in U.S. history After San Francisco, Visa Inc. 's 19.7 billion U.S. dollars in March 2008 offering, the data show. GM shares, which sold for $ 33 each, rose 3.6 percent to $ 34.19 on the company's market debut yesterday and gained 0.2 percent to $ 34.26 today.

Treasury yields to 10 years increased the most in almost two weeks

Treasury yields to 10 years increased the most in almost two weeks a year as the growing sense that the Fed will succeed in boosting economic growth and prevent deflation.

The yield on the 10-year bond rose 34 basis points for the two weeks that ended yesterday, the highest since December 2009 as a group that includes former Republican government officials and economists urged the Fed to reconsider the quantitative easing. Fed chairman, Ben S. Bernanke defended his fellow monetary stimulus from central banks yesterday, saying it would help the global economy. The Federal Reserve on November 23 will release the minutes of the meeting of Federal Open Market Committee held earlier this month.

"The market has been under pressure for the last couple of weeks because of the rhetoric within the Federal Reserve and around the world about QE and because the rest of the set for QE profitable operations," said Dan Mulholland, a trader Treasury in New York Royal Bank of Canada, one of the 18 primary dealers that trade with the Fed. "You have had positive economic data points."

yields ten-year note was up eight basis points, or 0.08 percentage point to 2.87 percent yesterday in New York, according to BGCantor Market Data. The price of 2,625 per cent security due in November 2020 fell 23/32, or $ 7.19 per $ 1,000 face amount, to 97 27/32. The yield rose to 2.96 percent on 16 November, the highest in three months.

QE2 criticism

The Fed chief is facing criticism from officials in countries like China and Brazil who say that the November 3 decision to buy $ 600 billion in Treasury bonds has weakened the dollar and contributed to capital flows emerging markets. The policy also has been criticized in the U.S., where critics, including Republican members of Congress have said they run the risk of fueling inflation and asset bubbles.

The U.S. unemployment rate 9.6 percent is "high and, given the slow pace of economic growth is likely to remain for some time," Bernanke said in Frankfurt yesterday where he defended the quantitative easing.

After the speech, Bernanke spoke at a panel discussion and answered questions from the audience, saying that the use of purchases of monetary policy affects asset prices "significantly." He said he is "very skeptical" of the criticism that central banks are "pushing on a string."

Consumer prices excluding food and fuel, the indicator followed by central banks, increased 0.6 percent from October 2009, the smallest increase in year-over-data that goes back to 1958, the Labor Department said on Nov. 17 in Washington.

Improved data

Treasuries swung between losses and gains this week amid economic data better than expected.

Manufacturing in the Philadelphia region expanded in November at its fastest pace this year, orders, sales and employment rose, indicating U.S. and external demand continue to drive growth of the company, a report showed that on 18 November. general economic index of the Philadelphia Fed rose to 22.5 last month, surpassing the most optimistic forecasts.

The U.S. index of leading indicators rose in October for the fourth consecutive month on signs the Fed is prepared to take additional measures to stimulate the world's largest economy.

The New York-based The Conference Board gauge the outlook for the next three to six months rose 0.5 percent for the second straight month, matching the median forecast of economists surveyed by us covered the largest gains back -to-back "from February to March. Six of the 10 components increased.

Fed buys

In its first round of purchases of assets, ended in March, the Fed bought 1.75 trillion U.S. dollars in securities, including $ 300 billion in Treasuries in an effort to stimulate economic growth strong enough to reduce unemployment near a maximum of 26 years. The Fed has gained 38.12 billion U.S. dollars in Treasury bonds since the start of the second round of shopping on 12 November.

Yesterday, the Federal Reserve bought $ 24 billion auction of 16 billion U.S. dollars 30-year bonds sold on 10 November. Bonds pointed to an interest rate of 4.32 percent, the highest in any auction of the securities since May. The bid-cover ratio, which measures demand by comparing total bids on the amount of securities offered, was 2.31, the lowest since November 2009.

The Fed will buy securities maturing between February 2018-2020 November 22 November and the debt maturing in July 2012 to February 2040 the following day.

The Treasury will sell $ 35 billion two-year notes and $ 35 billion in debt for five years and $ 29 billion worth of seven years for three days from November 22, coincides with the results of a  News survey of primary dealers.

The total of 99 billion U.S. dollars has not changed since the amount of the October sales of securities. President Barack Obama has increased the U.S. debt trade to a record $ 8,540,000,000,000.

Ireland will not have to raise its corporate tax rate

Ireland will not have to raise its corporate tax rate as part of an EU rescue plan, French President Nicolas Sarkozy, said, addressing an issue that has emerged as an obstacle to an agreement of support.

"When you have to face a deficit, it has two levers, spending and taxes," Sarkozy said in Lisbon today at a summit of NATO leaders. "I can not believe that our Irish friends, in full sovereignty, will not be both, since they have more room to maneuver, since their tax rates are lower. But that's not a demand or a condition, just an opinion .

Irish leaders have said they will fight to maintain a 12.5 percent tax on businesses, which helped to make Ireland a destination for investment by companies like Microsoft Corp. and Pfizer Inc. The Austrian Finance Minister Josef Proell and Economic and monetary union, Olli Rehn, have indicated that the rate may be increased to the level of the continental nations, as part of the bailout.

Rehn said Nov. 8 that "Ireland will not continue as a low-tax country."

Irish officials and experts from the EU and the International Monetary Fund are working through the weekend in Dublin, a race to complete a grant agreement and avoid a decline in the markets.

Allied Irish Banks Plc, the second largest bank in Ireland, highlighted the fragility of the financial system yesterday, reporting a decline of 17 per cent of deposits this year. IMF Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn said Europe is moving "too slow" to resolve the sovereign debt crisis that began in Greece.

'Grim' Out

The output of Allied Irish deposit "looks bleak," said Alan McQuaid, chief economist at Bloxham Stockbrokers in Dublin. "This underscores the urgency of the situation and the need to reach a solution. A great package is needed to reassure the markets."

Aid talks began two days after a meeting of finance ministers from the EU calls on Spain to accept a package within days. The plan, which will focus on banking sector recovered from the property fall 2008, can add up to 100 million euros (136 billion U.S. dollars), according to Barclays Capital.

Investors dumped Irish bonds this month on concern about the country's ability to keep its financial system afloat. They compared some of the losses when the Prime Minister, Brian Cowen, left's refusal to seek help. Finance Minister Brian Lenihan said on 18 November it was clear that the country needs the help that banks had become "unmanageable."

The premium investors demand to hold bonds Irish 10-year German benchmark bonds rose three basis points to 544 basis points yesterday. The spread, a measure of the risk of investing in the debt of Ireland, fell from a record 646 basis points on November 11 as investors anticipated a rescue.

Cowen Campaign

Amid the talks, Cowen campaign in Donegal in northwest Ireland before November 25 election to fill a vacant seat. The vote threatens to erode most Cowen. He has the support of 82 legislators, including independents, compared with 79 for the combined opposition.

Lenihan said this week they would welcome the creation of "a significant equity financing of emergency" for Irish banks and Irish officials said they resist any demands by the EU to increase revenue by increasing corporation tax.

Ireland's Trade Minister Batt O'Keeffe said this week the company tax rate is not "negotiated."

German Chancellor Angela Merkel, today sidestepped the question of whether the tax was in danger if Ireland played the bailout fund.

"Every country that is in need of this mechanism can be used," he told a conference in Lisbon. "All that is beyond the decision of each country."

Budget cuts

A 2011 budget, which debuts on December 7, may placate investors worried about a budget deficit to be approximately 12 percent of gross domestic product this year, or 32 percent when the bank bailout costs include .

Irish lenders have become more dependent on the financing of the European Central Bank after being frozen wholesale markets. The amount of loans from the ECB to the country's banks increased 7.3 percent to 130 million euros in October from the previous month.

Allied Irish has tripled its dependence on central bank finance and late June as deposits fled. dependence on bank "monetary authorities' increased to 27 million euros in a" high single digit "number of one billion euros on June 30, Alan Kelly, general manager corporate services group at Allied Irish said a telephone interview yesterday.

Irish banks failure to wean off the lifeline of the ECB announced that the EU authorities to intervene in an effort to stop the crisis before it spreads across the euro region.

"The current view seems to be whether Ireland will accept bailout funds, at least for the banking sector, which could help fend off any move by the bond vigilantes to go to Portugal," said James Shugg, an economist with Westpac's London headquarters Banking Corp.

The dollar rose against most major U.S. competitors bond

The dollar rose against most major U.S. competitors bond yields made the biggest jump in nearly a year, prompting demand for U.S. currency.

The euro pared a five-day loss against the dollar on bets that Ireland will have a plan to rescue the financial crisis, preventing contagion between the debt markets in the region. The yen fell for a third straight week against its U.S. counterpart, the longest streak this year. The U.S. economy grew at an annual rate of 2.4 percent last quarter, data from next week may show.

"Yields have been very, very helpful in lifting sentiment towards the dollar," said Andrew Wilkinson, senior market analyst at Interactive Brokers Group LLC in Greenwich, Connecticut. "Good economic data that will boost the dollar, increasing yields."

The dollar rose against 10 of its 16 most-traded counterparts. IntercontinentalExchange Inc. 's index of the dollar, which is used to track the currency against six major U.S. trading partners, including the euro and the yen rose for the second straight week in the first weekly increase in back-to -back "since August. He advanced 0.5 percent to 78,504 in New York.

The dollar rose 1.2 percent to ¥ 83.55 pm from 82.53 on 12 November and 83.79 yen reached on 18 November, the highest since Oct. 5. His last three weeks advance against the yen ended on 1 January.

The dollar rose 0.1 percent to $ 1.3673 per euro from $ 1.3691 on 12 November. It touched $ 1.3448 on 16 November, the highest level in seven weeks. The euro gained 1.1 percent to 114.23 yen, from 113.02 weeks ago.

U.S. Treasury Bonds fell, pushing yields and make the titles more attractive to investors.

The 10-year yields

The yields of the note reference to 10 years had the sharpest two-week increase in 11 months, 34 basis points as investors and world leaders questioned the effectiveness of the Federal Reserve plan to buy $ 600 billion in debt U.S. and June to promote employment and prevent deflation. A basis point is 0.01 percentage point. ten-year yields reached 2.96 percent on Nov. 16, the highest level in three months.

"The backup in yields surprising the U.S. is putting yen under pressure," wrote Calvin Tse, a currency strategist in London at Morgan Stanley in a research note on 18 November. "Dollar-yen has a very strong correlation with U.S. rates."

Irish Finance Minister Brian Lenihan November 18, said he would welcome the creation of "an important emergency capital funding" to Irish banks, fueling speculation that the country will accept a rescue plan. The nation had previously had no need for a rescue.

"Tens of thousands of millions"

Officials of the European Union, International Monetary Fund and European Central Bank began to study the books of Irish banks on 18 November. Ireland's central bank governor, Patrick Honohan, said that day that he expected the country in search of a package worth "tens of billions" of euros to help bailout the companies battered by the slump in U.S. housing .

"The rescue of Ireland seems imminent," said John Doyle, a strategist at the firm in Washington currency trading at Tempus Consulting Inc. "If it is too small, the markets could react negatively."

Lenihan is due to publish details of a period of four years, 15 million euros ($ 20 billion) plan to reduce the budget deficit this month and its 2011 budget on December 7.

The currencies of commodity exporting countries, including New Zealand, Mexico, Brazil and Australia, rose against most of its major counterparts as the prospects of a crisis in Europe's sovereign debt to facilitate fueled investors' appetite for risk .

Reserves of the Bank of China

Their gains were moderate, after China ordered banks to set the largest reserves set aside for the fifth time this year, to drain money from the financial system to curb inflation. The reserve ratio increased 50 basis points from November 29, the central bank said on its website. The aim is to strengthen liquidity management and "adequate control" of credit and loans, he said.

The dollar rose as a report this week showed that manufacturing expanded Philadelphia area. general economic index of the Philadelphia Fed rose to a reading of 22.5, more than four time.

Other data showed U.S. consumer prices excluding food and fuel, a measure for central banks, increased 0.6 percent in October from a year earlier, the smallest increase in data from the year-over-year going back to 1958.

Fed chairman, Ben S. Bernanke defended the central bank's plan U.S. quantitative easing, which announced November 3 and began to give effect to the purchases from last week. He said in a speech in Frankfurt the effort will help the economy.

"Significant uncertainty"

The program drew criticism in the U.S. and abroad. German Finance Minister, Wolfgang Schaeuble, suggests that it is designed to erode the U.S. dollar, and Republicans in Congress four top wrote Bernanke this week expressing concern that "introduces a significant uncertainty about the future strength the dollar. "

Bernanke said yesterday in Frankfurt that the best way to support the dollar and the global recovery support is through policies that lead to the resumption of robust growth in an environment of price stability in the United States. "

The Commerce Department will report next week that the U.S. economy grew at a rate of 2.4 percent per year in the third quarter, according to the median forecast. Data, November 23, is a revision of an estimate in October, said the gross domestic product grew 2 percent compared to 1.7 percent in the second quarter and 3.7 percent in the first.

Geithner Warns Republicans Against Politicizing the Fed

U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner said the Obama administration will oppose any attempt to strip the Federal Reserve of its mandate to pursue full employment and Republicans warned against politicizing the central bank.

"It is very important to keep politics out of monetary policy," Geithner said in an interview airing on "Political Capital with Al Hunt" At Television this weekend. "You want to be very careful not to take actions that hurt our credibility."

The Republican leadership of Congress, including John Boehner, who was nominated as the next chairman of the House, criticized the Fed's plan to buy $ 600 billion in assets, saying that fuel inflation and asset bubbles. Sen. Bob Corker, a Tennessee Republican who serves on the Banking Committee, said he is in favor of limiting the Fed's mandate to promote price stability.

Geithner, 49, refused to say which endanger the Obama administration would be willing to consider extending the tax cuts of the Bush era, while ruling made permanent the reductions for the wealthiest Americans.

"It's not responsible, and I could not recommend to the president in good conscience, to go out and borrow $ 700 billion for tax cuts permanent high-end," said Geithner.

Did not think that tax cuts for the middle class are allowed to expire in December, or that all tax cuts, including the rich, will be extended permanently.

General Motors

General Motors Co., Geithner said the government would get back "a very substantial part" of their investment and all the government money Obama spent to rescue the automaker. The taxpayers are about 13.4 billion U.S. dollars in GM's former president George W. Bush, and 36.1 billion U.S. dollars with Obama.

GM, which was in bankruptcy last year after nearly a century in the New York Stock Exchange, raising more than $ 20 million in an initial public offering on November 18.

Asked by Europe, Geithner said a bailout of Ireland could mark the end of the crisis on the continent of sovereign debt. Officials of the European Union, International Monetary Fund and European Central Bank spent a second day in Dublin the night discussing a possible rescue of the Irish banks.

"I think it is going to make, because this government, Ireland has shown they are willing to do something very, very difficult, very, very difficult to dig things out of this mess," said Geithner. "And the leaders of Europe have taken some very difficult political decisions."

China Currency

He said that China is allowing its currency to strengthen, and that "we want to ensure that sustain that."

Fed easing, which Chinese officials have said that weakened the dollar, has hurt U.S. efforts to convince China to allow the yuan to rise, Geithner said. The yuan has gained about 2.6 percent against the dollar since Sept. 1.

Fed chairman, Ben S. Bernanke defended the monetary stimulus in a speech in Frankfurt yesterday and a meeting with U.S. senators 17 November.

The best way to support the dollar and the global recovery support is through policies that lead to the resumption of robust growth in an environment of price stability in the United States, "Bernanke said in his speech.

Purchases of assets will be used in a manner that is "measured and sensitive to economic conditions," Bernanke said. Fed officials are "unwavering commitment to price stability" and not looking for inflation higher than the level of "2 percent or slightly less" than most politicians to be consistent with the legislative mandate of the Fed he said.

Letter to Bernanke

Also this week, 23 people, including former Republican government officials and economists, Bernanke called for an end to stimuli. Among those who signed the letter, Douglas Holtz-Eakin, former director of the Congressional Budget Office, Weekly Standard, William Kristol, editor and professor at Stanford University John Taylor, creator of a formula of monetary policy on rates interest used by the Federal Reserve.

Republican attacks on the Fed have been one of the toughest since the central bank rushed to rescue the financial system with the support of Bear Stearns Cos. and American International Group Inc., during the financial crisis.

"It is very important to respect and honor what Congress did when it created our independent central bank with a mandate to keep prices low and stable over time and make sure that" promote "sustainable economic growth," said Geithner , who was president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York before becoming Treasury secretary last year.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows earned 61.2 $ Million

"Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 1" won his first day of the release of 61.2 million U.S. dollars in ticket sales in U.S. theaters and Canada, Hollywood.com Box-Office said.

The seventh film in the series based on J.K. Rowling's books is on track to break the franchise record for an opening weekend of 102.3 million dollars set by "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" in 2005, the box-office tracker, said in an e -mail.

The sales mark yesterday was the fifth best single day of my life, behind the $ 72,700,000 earned by "The Twilight Saga New Moon" in November, told Hollywood.com.

Canadian Dollar Falls for Second Week

Canadian dollar fell for a second week against its U.S. counterpart as the biggest five-day decline in crude oil since August, reducing demand for assets related to economic growth.

The Canadian dollar fell against most of its counterparts on concerns that a recovery was stalled in the U.S., the nation's largest trading partner and a move by China to limit growth will encourage the Bank of Canada to keep borrowing costs low for a long period of time. Retail sales excluding autos in Canada grew at a slower pace in September, a government report is expected by economists to show.

"The key remains the U.S. economic outlook, and still is choppy," said David Watt, senior currency strategist at RBC Royal Bank of Canada unit of capital, by telephone from Toronto. "It's not like the U.S. will hit the escape velocity in the short term."

The Canadian currency depreciated by 0.4 percent to C $ 1.0168 per U.S. dollar yesterday, at $ 1.0123 on 12 November. One Canadian dollar buys 98.35 U.S. cents. The Canadian dollar as the currency is known by the image of waterfowl in the C $ 1 coin, touched C $ 1.0262 on 17 November, the lowest since Oct. 28. It slid 0.3 percent to C $ 1.3903 against the euro.

The Bank of Canada kept its key interest rate to 1 percent by the end of the second quarter, according to the median forecast of 22 economists surveyed by News this month. The October median forecast was for target up to 1.50 percent by then.

"Significant change"

"There has been a fairly remarkable," said Eric Lascelles, chief economics and rates strategist at TD Toronto-Dominion Bank Securities Unit by telephone from Toronto. "The Bank of Canada is perceived as sitting in waiting is not a useful thing for the currency."

Canadian retail sales excluding autos rose 0.3 percent in September after rising 0.4 percent in the previous month, according to the median forecast of 19 economists surveyed by our News. The report by Statistics Canada is scheduled to be released November 23.

A Department of Labor U.S. showed this week that consumer prices excluding food and fuel rose 0.6 percent last month from October 2009 to lower year on year increase since at least 1958.

Builders began work on the fewest homes since a record low hit in April 2009, the Department of Commerce. Canada sends about two-thirds of its exports to the U.S.


The Canadian dollar weakened against the dollar on the prospect of a global economic slowdown. China ordered banks to set the largest reserves set aside for the second time in two weeks, effective drainage of the financial system to curb inflation and risks of the asset bubble in the fastest growing economy in the world.

Crude oil fell 3.9 percent to $ 81.60 a barrel in biggest weekly drop since Aug. 13 when it fell 6.6 percent. The MSCI World Index of developed world markets was little changed after falling 2.2 percent the previous week.

10-year bond fell to Canada this week, pushing the yield up 13 basis points, or 0.13 percentage point to 3.15 percent. The price of the 3.5 percent security maturing in June 2020 fell C $ 1.11 to C $ 102.90. The yield touched 3.16 percent this week, the highest since Aug. 13.

The Canadian dollar continues to be led by an increase of 3.6 percent this year against the dollar, which has suffered against its major counterparts as the Fed conducts quantitative easing to stimulate growth. The Fed announced $ 600 billion in purchases of bonds on 3 November.