Sunday, November 28, 2010

Tax-Cut Negotiations Likely to Include Unemployment

Sen. Dick Durbin of Illinois, the No. 2 Senate Democrat, said talks on extending the Bush tax cuts-was also included the extension of emergency unemployment benefits and other tax credits.

"I put a couple of other things on the table," Durbin said today on NBC's "Meet the Press." "We have an unemployment rate," he said, and "I also want to ensure the earned income tax credit, tax credit child care, and" Making Work Pay "tax credit are part" of the discussion.

The problem is the tax cuts passed in 2001 and 2003 which are due to expire Dec. 31. Obama is scheduled to meet with Democratic congressional leaders and Republican November 30 at the White House to discuss the legislative agenda.

In addition, emergency unemployment benefits after missing the first 26 weeks of payments to expire later this month. Without congressional action, about 2 million Americans will lose the benefits of federal funds, according to an estimate of the Department of Labor.

. An opportunity for us to sit down and negotiate a solution to this is good for the economy, "Arizona Sen. Jon Kyl, R-second camera range, said there Kyl also repeated a key issue for Republicans: "We do not" believe taxes should be increased to anyone. "

Obama has said that the country can not afford to indefinitely extend the tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans, defined by the president and those individuals earning more than $ 200,000 and couples earning more than $ 250.000.

Obama tax cuts

"I think it is wrong for us to borrow $ 700 billion to make permanent the tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires," Obama told reporters Nov. 14. "It will significantly boost the economy and is very expensive, so that you can afford."

Republicans, who won a majority of seats in the House in the Nov. 2 elections and reduced the Democratic margin in the Senate, are pushing to permanently extend all current tax rates. Although Obama has said he wants to permanently extend tax cuts only on income up to $ 200,000 for individuals or $ 250,000 for families - about 97 percent of all taxpayers, according to the Internal Revenue Service - which has indicated that is open to negotiations on achieving that goal.

"We must focus on what it takes to move this economy forward," said Durbin. "We should not be concerned about the discomfort of the rich."

The legislation expires

Unless Congress acts, the marginal rates will increase for all income taxpayers. The tax credits benefit the families was reduced by half. The penalty call was married forcing some couples to pay more than if they were one will be reinstated. The rates increase for most of dividends and capital gains tax on property valued at over $ 1 million raise.

"What is likely to happen is there will be an extension of tax cuts for the entire world for a period of time," said Sen. Byron Dorgan of South Dakota, a Democrat who is retiring, in an interview CNN's "State of the Union" program.

The extension only current rates for people earning less than $ 200,000 and couples earning less than $ 250.000 would add more than $ 3 trillion to the national debt over the next decade. Keep tax cuts for those with higher incomes to add an additional $ 700 billion for debt in the next decade, the Treasury secretary, Timothy Geithner, said.

A linear extension of all policies of the Bush tax would cost the government about $ 5 billion in lost income and the interest cost of debt, the Congressional Research Service estimated last month .


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