Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Time Magazine looked beyond the founder WikiLeaks.org suddenly ubiquitous

Time Magazine looked beyond the founder WikiLeaks.org suddenly ubiquitous in the name of Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook Inc. was the safest option "Person of the Year." - Celebrity honor Internet connecting people, not Riling them. Assange was relegated to second place, as Afghan President Hamid Karzai, and former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.

However, Asia has produced more than its fair share of the contenders in 2010. Time has not chosen an Asian and Taiwanese-born scientist David Ho in 1996 and that was after a drought of 10 years after nodding Corazon Aquino in 1986. Here are four options in Asia could easily have supplanted this year Zuckerberg.

Kim Jong A: Little is known about the twenty-odd points to lead North Korea after his father, Kim Jong Il dies. However, the drama of the succession has gone global in a big way. The moment of deadly attacks by North Korea over the South this coincidence is not a year, the Kim dynasty is self-preservation mode.

Kim, the youngest who inherit an impoverished Orwellian state with nuclear weapons and general geriatric reactionary who may harbor doubts about a Swiss-educated fan of Michael Jordan. In last month's Group of 20 in Seoul, I heard more than a few South Korean businessmen refer to Kim as "the nuclear baby."

How that process is going to say much about the future of Asian markets, credit ratings and regional cooperation - including China's relationship with neighboring countries. Kim Jong A single person can become the next decade.

Nobel controversy

Liu Xiaobo: It's hard to think of an individual that China prefers the world to talk less. Officials in Beijing are beyond outraged that the jailed activists won the Nobel Peace Prize. It was an honor well deserved and the overreaction of the top of China was so surreal as I was saying.

China is racing. Its economy grew at a rate of 9.6 percent annualized in the third quarter, while Europe is trying to avert disaster, the U.S. unemployment rises and slides in Japan living standards. China has also made a much more impressive than its rivals, such as India in reducing poverty. Political development is lagging far behind, however, and Liu Nobel put the issue in the spotlight like few times before.

On the one hand, demonstrated the influence of China. It is shameful that nearly 20 countries, including Egypt and Vietnam to avoid the ceremony this month's Nobel Prize in Oslo. On the other hand, China's reaction to the whole affair suggests that the Communist Party has some plans to loosen up on its 1.3 million people. We give credit to Liu with providing the insight disappointing.

'Stupid' general

Aung San Suu Kyi: Never one to mince words, Singapore statesman Lee Kuan Yew extra seems to have been sincere in talks with U.S. diplomats with respect to Myanmar, according to classified documents published by Wikileaks. He was quoted as calling the leaders of the junta in Myanmar "stupid" and noting that dealing with them was like "talking to the dead."

However, the recent release of Suu Kyi from house arrest seven years pumped new life into the possibilities of political reform in one of Asia's most isolated nations. In his first speech after prison last month, said he is willing to work with leaders of Myanmar and fellow defenders of democracy.

Nobody believes that Myanmar is about to deploy the welcome mat for free markets. Myanmar has been a constant thorn in the side of Asia for decades. Their inclusion in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations is a mockery of the efforts of the group of 10 members to remove the borders, the European Union-style. Suu Kyi to return to action, progress suddenly has a chance.

Money Trio

Xie Xuren, Zhou Xiaochuan and Zhu Changhong: Xie is the Minister of Finance of China, Zhou running the central bank and Zhu is chief investment officer overseeing the nation $ 2.7 trillion of the coins. At a time when the world economy falters, this trio will increasingly our attention.

Last week, Portuguese officials could barely contain his joy at the statements of China for financial support. Jornal de Negocios reported that China is willing to invest 4 million euros (5.2 billion) to 5 million euros in Portuguese public debt in the first quarter of next year. The mere possibility of support from China was a tonic for European markets.

Get used to the news of the cash rich nature of China. The International Monetary Fund bailout to be king. China appears to be safe to take that role for developing and developed nations alike. Remember that when the U.S. adds tax cuts or stimulus is actually borrowed money from China.

That gives advantage Xie, Zhou and Zhu notable in world markets. The next time a Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. is about to collapse, you can bet that executives of the failing firm will ask Beijing for a lifeline. The same goes for the next European dominoes fall.

An argument can be made that Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao, was in the person of the Year material, along with Zuckerberg and Assange. Wen business to the West and again - in clean energy, rare earth metals, currencies, the guilt of global imbalances, whatever. However, the trio of money China is rapidly increasing in importance.


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